Catch up for up to seven days without missing your favorite shows.Record your favorite shows to watch them offline.Watch all the trending and popular events.Pick your liked channels and make them on a favorite list.It updates regularly and also catches previous live events as well.It is categorized into movies, sports, news, education, business, kids, infotainment, and so on.Avail 600 live TV channels and over 100 HD channels to stream.Now you can watch Jio TV app content on your Fire TV screen. After that, tap on to Install tab and then click on the Open tab.Again tap on the Open File tab from the popup notification.Hit the Download Now button, and then it will be installed on your device.Now Add the official URL of the Jio TV apps in the respective space.Furthermore, click on the +New icon from the window screen.Tap on the Downloader app icon from your Window.Avail of the ES File Explorer app on your Firestick and Android device.So let’s get into the steps to install the app on your Firestick. Get the Jio TV app on Firestick using ES File Explorer:ĮS File Explorer is also one of the side-loading apps that is available on Amazon Firestick. You can start streaming Jio TV content on your Fire TV screen.Ģ.Finally, move to the Jio TV and then enter the login information.After that, tap and hold the home ket using your TV remote.
Furthermore, return to the apps and open the Mouse toggles and downloader app.Next, it will be shown as the status started.Now enable the mouse service by tapping on it.